Wardrobe Refresh: custom outfit lookbook

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At Style Girlfriend, we want to help you look and feel your best, with less work and stress! With a personalized Wardrobe Refresh style guide in hand, you can.

Here's how it works:

  1. Fill out a client questionnaire to help us get to know you and your wardrobe goals better.
  2. A Team SG stylist will create your unique digital lookbook. What’s included: 10 shoppable outfits curated for your lifestyle, budget, and body type.
  3. Within 5-7 business days, you'll receive your lookbook in your email inbox.
  4. An item sold out in your size, or an outfit not quite right? Get one round of revisions as needed via email after reviewing your Wardrobe Refresh.
  5. Shop your favorite items with direct retailer website links!

The Wardrobe Refresh is ideal for a style pick-me-up, special event, or vacation.

*NO REFUNDS but a round of revisions is included in every Wardrobe Refresh to help you get the most out of your plan

This product is not currently for sale.

Fill out a client questionnaire and receive a personalized style guide. Includes: 10 accessorized outfit ideas, with styling tips.

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Wardrobe Refresh: custom outfit lookbook

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